A New Month-August Goals

Last Update: August 01, 2010

I am starting my third month of return to WA -- and yesterday I reset my goals for the month.

At WA, I intend to complete the starter lessons.  period!   I got stuck in there somewhere and stopped making progress.  I will read all of those lessons this month -- and act on some of them, too.

I will focus on 3 niches for the month -- only!   I decided yesterday that part of my problem is simply working in so many areas at once.   I re-read part of Conversations with Nick (from One Week Marketing) last night, and I now see another one of my errors.  So will definitely clean that up and take that errored niche through the One Week Marketing system.   

Tired, too, of fussing at me about articles -- I intend to outsource a few this month.  after my Squidoo payday.  (I always hold back a little of that money for my business expenses)

And so moving forward -- thankful for a new month, another chance.   What are you going to accomplish in August?   Let's get some money flowing in!

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WriterGig Premium
I agree about focusing on only one or two niches to really see them flourish. Best of luck with your goals!
Penelope Premium
Great post, Joan. I am still in the training and probably taking more time on it than most but I feel it is what I need to do. My retention is not as good as it once was. :)
I do hope to follow Jennifer's Squidoo training and get a lens up this month.
I wish you success with your August goals.
maureenhannan Premium
Wow, Moonvine! Great goals for the month of August. That Conversations with Nick really was good, wasn't it? Good luck...and please let me know how your outsourcing experience goes! I'll be especially interested in hearing about that goal. ~ Maureen
iFaith Premium
"Let's get some money flowing in!" I couldn't have said it any better, Joan. Cheers to our August goals!
Carrie Premium
Great minds think alike. I'm doing the same thing as you are, Joan. I'm going all the way back to PotPieGirl's first and like you said, making full use of my 3-ring binders.

I do have writing goals outside WA, but if I do well there, more success here will follow.

Good luck. Thanks for the gold, too! I finally have some more to share.