Learning Something New

Last Update: July 30, 2010

Today is already a success -- I learned something.

 I have belonged to Pepperjam affiliate programs ever since they started, but never used them because I don't like banners and did not know how to show just a product.

Today I got brave (thank you , WA - I am learning to ask questions!), and the nicest lady at pepperjam has helped me all morning!   Whew!  Now I have access to tons of products ............

 Why had I not asked for help before?  Because I felt stupid asking.  If I don't learn anything else at WA, I have learned that it's okay to ask questions!

I guess I thought all those customer service people were for more experienced marketers than me.  lol    :)

So today I am giving me a gold star!  I learned something new.  Tried it and it looks pretty good!  Forward ho!   

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moonvine Premium
wow! i was not expecting gold to go with my own gold star sticker! thank you all! it's been a good day -- 2 new blog posts with new products done and lots more fun things found! exciting stuff!
jatdebeaune Premium
Excellent Joan. Better than asking questions for me is getting answers. I've been frustrated with that lately. My big gripe is that I can't stand waiting for answers. Very impatient. It's at an acute level right now. So, maybe I need a vacation. Maybe I'll just paint a picture, maybe the rest of the summer I'll paint pictures. Congratulations on the break through. I'm giving you gold too.
Wayne Hudler Premium
Forward ho! Indeed! None any one of us, even Kyle and Carson, can get by without asking questions, seeking help or leaning on someone else. We really do all need each other to help us along this path.

Now you can move forward knowing there is help for you along the when (not if) you need it.
Smokey and I Premium
Great for you. I have always hesitated to ask Q's also. In school and through out life. It is nothing but a poor self image I think. That is one thing I like about internet marketing I will ask and even answer Q's once in awhile. I I can hide behind the computer screen. We must ask and learn from these wonderful people here at WA. And I give you the gold to. Thanks for the lift. Smokey and I
ana_nimoss Premium
I enjoy reading your consistent progress and success...good for you, and thanks!