Squidoo Spam Filters A Problem for You?

Last Update: August 03, 2010

Again and again in our WA forum, I read that someone has been blocked by the spam filters at Squidoo.  And again and again, I post this link.

but I am going to say it again here -- if you are going to use Squidoo, you need to read the rules.  And one of the simplest explanations written by the SquidTeam is at SquidDon't!  

I love Squidoo - and have been writing there for 3 years.  And I have watched as new lensmasters pop over to Squidoo and create a lens, all excited and enthusiastic, but..................the lens is on a taboo subject.  

Please, please, please, if you don't do anything else --read the rules.  Yes, Squidoo is free and easy to use, but there are rules to be followed.  Don't write about weight loss, getting your ex back, enlarging body parts, your MLM, or anything else that is on the list.  Don't spam the readers!   And don't write anything you don't want your children or grandchildren to see in the future!

And while I am on this rampage, please don't be a "user".   Give back a little.  Participate in the community, the forum, and visit other lenses.  You will learn more by visiting lenses than all the books out there.  Read the top 100 lenses and see what these super folks are doing out there.  

Read about the charities at Squidoo and make a few charity lenses.  You won't make money, but you will help a charity.  Remember Karma?????

I know you want to make money.  That's why we are all here.  But regardless of the site you are using -- WA, Hubpages, Squidoo, Ezine -- all of them -- do try to be helpful, too.   If your intention is to spam someone and sell anything you can to anybody, believe me, it will show in your work.   

I am far from rich, I am making a little money and I plan to double, triple, quadruple that amount this year.   But I can tell you that I have met the most wonderful people at Squidoo and those friends have no pricetag.  I would not trade a single one of them for a large bank account.  

I apologize for sermonizing this morning, but I think it's time to make a point of this entire issue of spam at Squidoo.  Please enjoy Squidoo.  But please don't spam over there.  If you are a spammer, take your junk elsewhere.

Thank you!

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