I did it! US Free Ad Posted

Last Update: July 22, 2010

A real victory for me.  I had tried US Free Ads before, but then read

The Coveted USF/Clickbank Technique that was written by one of our WA members -- Benjamin.  I cannot find the link again right now, or his WA name, but I can tell you that I was impressed with his simple plan.  

 I have put this off for over a week.  Reading and re-reading his tutorial.  And I finally jumped out there and did it this morning.  Now if I can do one of these a day and keep improving on technique, I might have another income stream!  

 here it is if you want to take a look............. it's very basic, but I am honestly just thankful and proud to have gotten it done!  why are new things so hard to do?   brrrrrrrr   Six months from now, I hope I think this post is funny - I have certainly agonized and wasted a lot of time worrying about doing it! 




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moonvine Premium
I have searched and searched for that link. I cannot find the product out here. And yet I know it is from a WA member because he invites people to join, etc, at the end of his book. I will keep looking. I did totally enjoy the simple directions and the pictures for this. I could understand it. And usually the only person I understand is Potpiegirl! lol
iFaith Premium
Joan, you did it - and the small victory feels big indeed! Because it is. I can relate - some things just get put off into some corner and it is only when we finally do them that we find how great and liberating it is. And we wonder what the fuss was all about? USA Free Ads - great for backlinks and traffic! Keep up the good work and momentum! If you find that link - share it, Thanks.
moonvine Premium
for sure, just getting past all that fear and procrastination is worth something. i feel like i have plowed a field! lol
NEA03 Premium
Good for you! I agree, new things are hard to do. But like they say around here, you have to stop over analyzing things and just TAKE ACTION.