Imaging Miracles

Last Update: June 21, 2010

I just experienced a little miracle and I want to make record of it here so I don't forget!

In 2008, I created a little workbook I called the Ten by Ten - Ten Things I want to accomplish by 2010.  The workbook is a freebie I was using to build my list (which is a waste cause I don't know how to use that list well at all!)   

Of course, I used the book myself.  And was pretty devout about it for over a year, and then got slack.  This morning I decided to pull out my Imaging Book and re-do it in preparation for my new successes with IM since I joined WA, have a renewed vision,etc..

And there it was -- a picture of my dream car that had pasted to a page in January 2008 with a list that said

sliding doors for the grandchildren

good for dogs and golf

silver gray

 Guess what is in my driveway this morning?  A silver gray Honda Odyssey.  My son called me in March of this year "Mom, Joe's mother in law is not able to drive anymore.  do you think you could drive her Odyssey if I bought it for you?"  Of course I said yes.  But never, not on the day he called, or on any day until today, had I realized that in January 2008, I had cut out a picture of that car........and placed on an imaging page.

PS   the grandchildren love the sliding doors!

Yes, I will get back to my imaging book and it will be all new by end of the week!

if you want a copy of my freebie, it is at

Ten by Twelve


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iFaith Premium
Oh that is just fabulous - Joan Moonvine! Am excited to create my own imaging book - doing it now! Thanks for the freebie!
jatdebeaune Premium
I think that's great moonvine. Have to check my hatbox that's full of things I'm sending out to the universe. I like the clip board idea better, but I'll check out the clippings stashed in the box. You have to allow the miracles to happen.
truejule Premium
Moonvine, That is sooo nice! In the late 90's I read Wealth Without Risk by Charles Givens. He suggested a list of wants, which I did and have tucked away somewhere. I know through the years, I've gotten some things on that list. You've inspired me to dig it up, check it out, and discover just what I'd written on it so many years ago! lol!
That is really cool. I started a dream board after I saw the Secret and it sits right by my computer. I am expecting similiar results soon. :)
Devan Premium
Hey, it's amazing how things turn out. I have had similar experiences on a smaller level. You know what, K&C have some resources about building lists. Maybe it'll give you some ideas for monetizing your list!Cheers Dev