My Favorite Thing about WA

Last Update: June 18, 2010

Yep!  I love the forum and I love meeting everybody and I am slowly learning and applying new things, but my favorite part of WA is me!

Selfish?  Maybe!  My goals have changed, my outlook has changed, my belief in myself has changed, my belief in honorable internet marketing has changed -- and I am so thankful.  

I have to laugh at me as I rush to computer first thing in the morning and click on Wealthy Affiliate!   I feel like I have found a new home base here and I am thankful for you all!  I came here with a full expectation of learning - I am determined to learn and to succeed.  But what is surprising me so much is the community!  How did I miss that before?   

 I am having fun, I am learning and I am filled with hope, dreams and plans!  wow!   June 2010 will be a month to remember.  All my IM beginning again and I am in my right place.  

 PS  And it is also great fun to unsubscribe from all those emails from every marketer out there!   The experts are all right here on WA!  yippee!

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iFaith Premium
Not selfish at all! Your love and dedication for WA adds to the already great community in here - good adding to good for more good! Yippee indeed!
moonvine Premium
Thank you both! I am very pleased with my decision!
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice to have you in the WA family!
jatdebeaune Premium
Moonvine, I so agree with you. Had to be away for a couple days with no access to a computer. I was actually having withdrawal symptoms. I missed all of you so much. This community is wonderful on so many levels from the top down. Even though we all come from diverse backgrounds, there is a common thread, more than interest in Internet Marketing, it's daring do.