Thankful for Books

Last Update: June 19, 2010

This morning I re-read PotPieGirl's Mind Eraser -- and my head is spinning with ideas and things I can actually do.  And do this week!

Last night I started on Mary Alice Monroe's Sweetgrass - looks like it is going to be a great story about a family who loves their land on the coast of South Carolina.

So this morning, as I made my list of 5 things to be thankful for -- as I do each day-- I realized the importance of books in my life.  I seem to keep 3 or 4 going all the time.  I don't read really heavy serious books often, but I enjoy books that lift my spirits, teach me something or entertain me.

So for today, I am thankful for books -- all of them!


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truejule Premium
I haven't read Pot Pie's Mind it safe? I'm not sure I'd like mine to be totally wiped out, but it could use some thinning. :) I've been doing the 'grateful for 5 things' off and on for a few years now. It's a wonderful tool for sustaining appreciation and focus on the good in our lives! (I love my books too!) ~ Jule