The Lens Health Check Tool for Squidoo

Last Update: July 21, 2010

If you are new at Squidoo, you might not know about the Lens HealthCheck Tool.  

The Health Check tool is available from your Edit format in Squidoo.  Just click to edit your lens, and scroll down in the right hand column.  Click Health Check.  The Lenschecker will check your title, your photograph, your intro module, traffic stats and tell you exactly what is wrong and how to fix it.

Oh, and if your traffic is low, the Healthchecker will send you to a wonderful tool called Squidaholic.    Squidaholic will suggest directories and other places to post your lens.

I strongly recommend you try these two tools today.  I have been reviewing some old lenses with these tools and making improvements.   You will be amazed at the quality of information that is available to you -- just by clicking on these sites!



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