Posts by Newwave1972 12
First off let me say I am sorry about not being too involved with WA as I have been doing some sole searching to find that perfect little niche.  You know, the one that you can do easily and the one that can also be easily rinsed and repeated.  Let me inform you of one thing right now, there are not many plans out there like this.  After all of this research I really think that I have landed a goal mine.  I think that this one will make me and everyone who chooses to make a d
August 08, 2010
I was strolling around the WA site today and I found a post that had a method to get your adwords campaign up and running again.  The only problem was it was the easy way out and the method is only going to get you banned again and again.  Google is not stupid guys and gals.  If you are thinking about doing this you might as well hang up your hat quit while you are ahead because you are not an Internet Marketer you are a get rich quick scheme.  Why not get a hold of Google li
Hello all WA members new and old.  If you do not know me my name is Jayme Kennerknecht and I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate for 1 yr now.  I recently just took a small break from WA, the reason was to sit back and look at what I have accomplished throughout the year and to see if I could expand on this venture of WA.  I put my heart and soul into Internet Marketing and this is what I found out.  1)  If you just learn and do not act on what you have learned then you wil
Ha Ha:  Got you to look didn't I  I am not leaving WA just going to stop promoting it for a while.  I now have numerous articles out there that are receiving traffic and as soon as they get published I will promote them even further.  I am just burnt out of advertising for WA and I am now going to expand the business to other sites via the WordPress site builder that WA(kyle and Carson built. These guys never seem to stop finding ways for us to make money easier.    
This post is not about IM this post is about what you have to do sometimes to become a good and fluent IMer.  I really have been doing things wrong here at WA for the past few months.  That is ok though because you know what it taught me a few thing about WA and about IM that many people do not know as well they put blinders on so they can not see it either.   Some things to remember when we got into this profession. 1)  We wanted to spend more time with our families. 2)
April 29, 2010
Well this has not been a very good month for me first I get Google that is making my life a living hell.  They pretty much killed both of my campaigns for now.  That sucks because I was actually making sales for WA and better yet for myself it really started to come together.  BUT WAIT IT GETS BETTER!!! Then I look at my Affiliate Program for WA and not 1 not 2 but 6 people decided to waste my time and join and then back out.  They did not even have the dedication to give thi
I was approached by a Internet Marketer on the phone by way of my website e-mail address.  The company I am referring to is the way of advertising is a little different than PPC.  When a person downloads their tool bar in which I believe he they have about 39,000,000 clients that have their tool bar downloaded.  When they type in your keyword that you will purchase, the estimate he gave me was $895 for six months.  The good part about this is that you wil
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When I last left you PPC was messing with my ad campaigns, they shut down my Review sites for WA.  I guess they are ticked off that Marcus laid out a plan and it worked.  You know what they did not they shut down my audience sites with the same BS.  I guess Kyle is right Google only shuts down the good sites maybe I should put up some sh*t and spray it on the wall or website and just hope it sells maybe that is what Google is looking for.  Just ranting I not going to do th
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April 18, 2010
This is where I am at with my Wa sites to promote WA through PPC.  I presently have 12 to 15 sites up and running with good CTR's and for right now a break even ROI.  I am feeling pretty good right now I am going in the right direction and with the help of Marcus, Kyle, and Carson I am going to fire my boss and live the dream I wanted to.  Then we have the day that PPC get a hair up their a** and decides that my sites for review have a low quality score.  This knocked out ab
March 31, 2010
Well as you all know times are tough in our wonderful world of the beautiful USA.  People do not have money to spend and I think they are doing a lot of surfing the internet just to waste time and while they are at it investigate products.  I have been doing Pay Per Click for a couple of months now and do not get me wrong I have made a few sales and last months I broke even.  On the other hand this is an accomplishment because I still am new at this and still learning, realize I h