Relax Regroup and Make $$$

Last Update: May 16, 2010

This post is not about IM this post is about what you have to do sometimes to become a good and fluent IMer.  I really have been doing things wrong here at WA for the past few months.  That is ok though because you know what it taught me a few thing about WA and about IM that many people do not know as well they put blinders on so they can not see it either.  

Some things to remember when we got into this profession.

1)  We wanted to spend more time with our families.

2)  We did not want to have the stress we did on our job that we have now.

3)  We wanted to be our own boss and not get driven by some one other that us.

This is not what I have done for the past 7 months and it will no longer work for me you or any other Affiliate looking to make a profession out of WA or for that fact  any IM venture.  What do I mean by this?  For the last 6-7 months I have been working 54 hours at work coming home and putting another 20 hours into WA spinning my wheel because I was so brain dead from stressing at work and then stressing because this is not happening overnight.  Now mind you this work is panning out I am making money though my first objective spend at least some time with my family before they disown me. 

If you started WA to think that this is going to happen overnight you might as well lose the idea or quit now.  This is going to take some time and it is going to take some hard work.  I have put countless hours in this and like I said I am making money but I am not a millionaire or I am not ready to quit my job yet.  That is all I have been stressing over  for the last six months.  It is effecting my real job and it is effecting the way that I promote for clients.  If you have the mindset that you want this to happen now then in your websites it will show.  Chances are you will have too many links to buy from or you will sound too pushy to your potential customer and they will see it and blow you off.  It will happen, relax, think, no stress, BE RELEVANT.

This is what I am doing.  I am keeping my existing ads running and I am keeping my existing articles posted.  Your right I am not giving up, not a quitter today, haha tomorrow does not look good either.  I am starting from scratch with the new action plan and I am going through it step by step.  Your right the information is redundant to me I have been through it once already but some times to get something right you start from scratch and do it with a different approach.  You know what as well some of the information is like holy cow how did I miss that in the old action plan.  These ads that I put out will be better than the last I will make even more money than last time and I am going to be better at this than I was before.  You know who I don't want to blame Kyle and Carson.  Not that I am blaming them for me failing or my problems but if this site was not  so addicting with the great info and their insight I might spend more time with my families.  Still working on that one.  Bottom line about IM that if you fail here you probably were going to quit anyway.

 Just a thought from the mind of the newwave



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burntout Premium
Jayme, I'm a WA junkie now. I joined specifly for one month to satisfy my interest in all the internet marketing know this stuff could work! Sadly though, your you are right, it will be a long journey but that first month is long gone and I am absolutely fasinated by what I am learning and beginning to implement.Your perspective is refreshing.
Rea Premium
Hi Jayme,
Thanks for a great post. You're not alone there....You've uplifted my sprits...Thoughts of quiting have crossed my mind but now I know I should review, reflect and regroup. I love the site and what it offers. So No to quiting.Lol.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Jayme. I think it's a good idea to retrace the action plan. Been toying with doing that myself. WA is addictive in a good way, but not if it takes you away from building your own business through action, or from family who are the most important. You just have to figure out how to balance everything. You have to revisit your reason for doing this from time to time. I'm doing it to support my work as a designer and my work as a fine artist. Lately, IM has been taking over. You can't be outof touch with yourself. I need balance too. Great post.
allurimom Premium
I totally agree with everything you posted Jayme. I spend some decent time with my family, but I worry it's not enough. I am really starting to hate my job, but can't quit yet. It takes a lot of energy to put the crappy day at the office behind so I can put quality content out there. I do love the addiction of IM though. It is becoming more of second nature, than a planned activity. Keep workin' at it!
raycal.1 Premium
Great post Jayme,

I'm right behind you on the family getting ready to disown me. It is so addicting, and Kyle and Carson are partially to blame for that for the reason you stated. My wife thinks I'm crazy staying up all hours and not really having anything too much to show for it. Writing articles? How the heck you ever going to make anything like that.

But this Biz is addicting, even when I am not at the computer it seems I'm always thinking about it. What I'm going to do next, how can I improve, etc etc.

I think its a great idea going back and starting from the beginning. I'm not quite thru it on the first go around yet because of all the distractions, different ways you can go about things, and my blog. Stuff like that kinda derails me from time to time, but its stuff I'm going to need to do or learn eventually.

And I think because of all the info out there, I'm sure I have missed my share of tips and tricks along the way. I even find myself going back to previous lessens from time to time to pick up techniques that I missed the first time.

Well anyway, Good luck this time around. Here's to a lot of success with it.
