New Marketing Stategy Review

Last Update: April 22, 2010

I was approached by a Internet Marketer on the phone by way of my website e-mail address.  The company I am referring to is the way of advertising is a little different than PPC.  When a person downloads their tool bar in which I believe he they have about 39,000,000 clients that have their tool bar downloaded.  When they type in your keyword that you will purchase, the estimate he gave me was $895 for six months.  The good part about this is that you will have a keyword that will usually cost you about $2 to$3 per click and this will hit for unlimited times and your cost does not change.  You can literally get millions of hits and traffic to your website for just $895 for six months.  This can easily add up to that amount at Googles prices @ sometimes $2 and up for these high traffic keywords in a six months time. Sounds like a good deal right?

Now lets get to the flip side of the coin.  It is definitely worth the traffic if you have good luck with that sort of thing though for your average Internet Marketer I do not believe this is a good investment. This is my reasons, the main one is a proven fact by Kyle and Carson that if you use these high traffic keywords you will definitely get a lot of traffic though you are at the beginning stage of the buying cycle.  I am going to use one of their exact keywords that they will use which is "income online" you can own this keyword for six months and have all the first position banners at the top of the page for $895.  This person is just in the beginning or his buying cycle he does not know what he or she wants to do to make money online, just that they want to make money online.  In their defense he also gave me a keyword for "affiliate marketing."  This is a lot better of a keyword but I do not believe that you will get enough clicks off this keyword to profit from the idea.  We want to find niches and targeted audiences to advertise relevant information to solve their need on the internet, not just throw a bunch of sh*t against a wall and see if it produces a good ROI.  The bottom line is that if we stick to the plan our base rate for a particular keyword that is in the final stages of the buying cycle like "make money online with wealthy affiliate" is more targeted and will cost us about $20 per month, if that.  You are going to get a lot less clicks which sucks although the clicks you will get are the customer that will have a credit card in hand and all you basically have to have on the website is "Sign up here."  These are my thoughts about this website, do not get me wrong if you are writing a very good ad-copy and you can get a buying customer from the beginning of the buying cycle this is an awesome opportunity for you.  I just to not recommend it to the average IM'er.  Hope this helps.  If you do have good luck with high taffic Keywords and if you are interested in checking this site out he gave me this one.

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Ken and Gayle Premium
Thanks for sharing. I learn a little bit from every thing I read.