Step Back And Punt!

Last Update: March 31, 2010

Well as you all know times are tough in our wonderful world of the beautiful USA.  People do not have money to spend and I think they are doing a lot of surfing the internet just to waste time and while they are at it investigate products.  I have been doing Pay Per Click for a couple of months now and do not get me wrong I have made a few sales and last months I broke even.  On the other hand this is an accomplishment because I still am new at this and still learning, realize I have a long way to go.  So Breaking even  is  a step in the right direction.  Times are getting tough for me and the bills are really starting to hurt the pay check a little.  Why am I telling you all this?  Well to give you an example of what's going on in the world right now with all of you.  I see a lot of posts in the forum that people are getting upset because they have not made a sale with PPC or have spent more money than they have got coming in.  To remind you when you started they said this will not happen overnight and you have to do some experimenting to get it right.  What I am getting at?  Well before you drive yourself insane with where to pay for WA for the next month,  Step back and punt, go back to your free ways of advertising such as e-zine articles and save a bunch of money while the economy is wrecked.  This will soon stop and when it does we are all going to be making money hand in fist.  This is the direction that I am going and I do suggest this for all junior affiliates that do not have the experience to make it in PPC, or for that fact the money.  These are just a few thoughts that are on my mind right now I hope this helps people to stay in this University because it is lonely at the top and I can guarantee I am going to be there are you?


Thanks for your time and be relevant


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