Marketers in New York, Texas, Illinois, and Maryland Look At This

Last Update: February 15, 2011

First off let me say I am sorry about not being too involved with WA as I have been doing some sole searching to find that perfect little niche.  You know, the one that you can do easily and the one that can also be easily rinsed and repeated.  Let me inform you of one thing right now, there are not many plans out there like this.

 After all of this research I really think that I have landed a goal mine.  I think that this one will make me and everyone who chooses to make a difference in their lives, and also has the ability to act upon what I am willing to teach them one on one.  

Imagine if I could kill all the fears of an Internet Marketer, the fear of I have to persuade this person to buy my product.  What if you could make a good income from just helping other people to save money?  Is this possible?  The answer is yes.  What if you could potentially make money off what people use every single day habitually and pay for with out even thinking about it.  Sounds interesting huh?

I am just starting this program and I am already after 1 week and a half producing a good ROI and after this month I am sure it all is profit from there on out.  I am still doing Internet Marketing but I am also starting to get in the telling business and testing it against the selling business.  

This program will help you, your family  and as well your friend if you let it.  I have listed below some information about this program below through some websites I have.  If you would like some more information you can as well call me at this phone number, I would be happy to do a one on one presentation if you are in New York.  I am already building a strong base and I would love to make my fellow WA members a part of my team.  My phone number is 1.518.848.8032 please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can as I am talking to a lot of people already.

The websites for information are as follows:

To check out the information for consultants:

To check out the information for customers:

Deregulation of electric is what I am talking about and this is going to be huge, this plan will work for all of you that learn to act and not sit back.  Check it out and call me or even leave a comment.  See you at the finish line.


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