Is programing something good to know?

Last Update: July 31, 2012

I think so. It not required knowing, but it does not hurt to. I am in the middle of taking an intro course in to programing now I can see why Kyle and Carson are so focused. I am very surprised how much focus it takes to write programs thinking about all the little details. I do mean the little details I mean every movement. And they say most programing language have the same ability of doing things.

But the more I get in to programing I am starting to see some languages has an advantage over others in doing things. Like PHP is the new boy on the streets and its design to work with data bases and scripting is the big boy on the web pages street. And I understand that “C Language” is the hardest to learn.”

Looking at the encoding of web page I am seeing more& more PHP then javascript. I can see a need to save my older version of web pages and MySQL is a good way to do this, plus a side benefit is a lot of the blog programs look like they are written in PHP and javascript. And the ability of trouble shooting the program is very good for me to know by looking at the language of the program helps me to understand how to use it. Because a lot of the help files are very poor in my opinion. They do not explain things like they do here @ WA.

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andre.ramos Premium
Thanks for opening this question... now it's all written here in my notepad, I'll learn html and css as soon as possible.
jdeHaan001 Premium
Yes Andre, HTML is the basis of all web pages, and luckily for us, it's easy to learn. Before CSS, web designers used HTML tricks to position entities on the web page. Today, however, while HTML organizes information into headers, paragraphs, bulleted lists, etc., CSS tells the browsers how to display it (color, size, etc.) and where to position it.

I'm not knocking Wordpress. In fact the main benefit to using it is ease-of-use, and frees us up from having to code everything. The drawback is that without also knowing HTML and CSS, you'll be stuck with cookie-cutter designs. If you additionally have a good handle on HTML & CSS, however, you can learn to tweak the look and layout of your pages!

jdeHaan001 Premium
Hi NightOwlPc, I didn't realize that Adobe released Dreamweaver CS6. I last knew about CS5 only. I own the entire Adobe Creative Suite 3 - Web Premium package (extended version). I wouldn't mind upgrading, but all my manuals are for CS3. Also, the last time I checked to see how much it would cost me just to upgrade the suite to CS5, it would've cost me US$ 1,400. ! Ouch!

My CS3 works just fine! *grin*
nightowlpc Premium
Look in to getting a Student ID; and look in to "Academic Software" Allot of times it is 50% or more off the retail price - EX: Adobe CS6 Master Collection $699.00(full version) normal price $2,599.00. There are times to get full version for up grades. They seem to run better
splashduck Premium
I started learning html but too many other things to learn at present. Can see how it would be great to learn though.

A friend who uses html all the time told me if you build your site with html it's easier for search engines to read and put you on page one. Would anyone else agree with this or not?

Thanks for this blog post Jim:)
jdeHaan001 Premium
I don't know if search engines can read non-Wordpress sites easier, or if there is a ranking advantage, or not. If you look at the source code for a Wordpress site, you can see that Wordpress uses much of the same HTML and CSS.

My reason for learning and appying HTML and CSS manually is for the design flexibility of it. Actually I use Dreamweaver CS3, which greatly speeds up the process.
Ezshop24 Premium
I think there are many roads to success as an affiliate marketer. One of those roads is building software apps and selling them online. You can even build your software to function as an affiliate marketing product...just provide some functions within the software that niche users would find useful enough to download.

Once your software is complete, submit the software to the software download sites or use the software as a list builder on your own website. You will definitely make money through list building or affiliate sales by offering software for download.

I think most the the WA members would benefit from studying html, css and some java-script. It has benefited me tremendously by allowing me to tweak my website to create as an example a sales funnel. Learn how to copy and paste code snippets into a theme...why pay for another plugin?

There are many websites that offer free code snippets to improve your websites. Here is one of my favorites Smashing magazine is great for tips on WordPress...if you are looking for ways to tweak your WordPress it!

I am a certified webmaster/software programmer...learning coding has helped me immensely in my affiliate career. I would recommend that you try one of my favorite resources for learning coding!/exercises/0. It is free and you have help from the other members.

1) Learn html, css, javascript and other internet languages.
2) Learn programming for php, java, .net,

I have been in the software industry for sometime now, and I consider it the next step in my affiliate marketing career.

I would recommend that you stay away from game creation. Too many costs to production and the market segment has incredible losses due to software crackers. Industry average losses to a new software game program are 40% of revenues to software theft. A popular game is cracked and on the torrents within days of release.

I would learn phone application programming as soon as possible. There was a guy that made a farting app and was making $10,000 dollars a day on a $1.00 app on IPhone Apps...based on the number of downloads. Here is an article:

Hope this helps,

jdeHaan001 Premium
Great reply Ezshop24 (Paul)! Thanks for the insight on what coding languages are important to an individual online marketer. It's always good to see what others find important to them. I've been thinking along those same lines for awhile now, so for the last several years, I've studied HTML, CSS, and I've taken a college course on Java, although that was a few years ago and would need to refresh myself on it.

I'll continue studying CSS, to get better with webpage layout. I only know the basics in javascript, and have always wanted to find a good study manual for it. Thanks for sharing that!/exercises/0 website. I explored it last night for a bit. I'll surely be spending some time there.

I've worked my way through the textbook manuals: 'Dreamweaver CS3, The Missing Manual', and 'CSS, The Missing Manual', by David Sawyer McFarland, and found them to be wonderful self-help manuals. There is also one for Adobe's JQuery (javascript library), but haven't picked it up yet. I have, however, picked up several self-help manuals on Adobe's Photoshop, and have worked to become a better Photoshop'er, as I know Web Graphics is extremely important to an online marketer/ web designer..

I've barely touched Adobe Illustrator, but since I own Adobe Creative Suite 3 (CS3), I would also like to get familiar with that too. Although, I have built a couple of mini-sites with Wordpress, I've built my latest with Dreamweaver, applying what I've learned from the manuals. I've leaned this way to allow for design flexibility, as Wordpress can be restrictive in that way.

I guess the trade off to not using Wordpress, along with the recommended plugins, is that we need to learn the coding of web design. We need to apply it. We need to concern ourselves with inserting the metadata appropriately. We need remember to generate and upload our own sitemaps, and as the site evolves, we need to remember to update the sitemap.xml file with a fresh one. We also need to do our own pinging manually, as we won't have a plugin to do it for us. But as you know, the main benefit to creating our own sites is the great flexibility in website layout!

I followed you because of your reply to NightOwlPc. Thanks for the follow back. Keep in touch Buddy.

jdeHaan001 (John)
Ezshop24 Premium
Hello jdeHaan001,

I do it a little different. I use my skills to build the first page on my website. That way I can add any kind of code I want and it will load very quickly. Most of the time it is some kind of sales page. You just put links to your blog on the first page.

In the sub directory, I always use WordPress. There are just too many advantages in using WordPress to ignore it. The plugins alone make it worth using WordPress. You can use the blog to create the traffic.

Hope this helps,

Renni Premium
You are braver than me, nightowl. I wouldn't mind just learning html! lol...maybe someday...maybe....
nightowlpc Premium
Look for a HTML WYSYGS editor; I’ve been looking at Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 it look like it is going to be a pain in the butt to learn because it is very dynamic program. But I think I can figure out how to use it in time. You can go to Adobe web site and download a trial copy for 30 day to see it