The art of driving your self crazy is self analyzeing

Last Update: August 02, 2012

Since my stroke in late November 2008 I’ve had a lot of time on my hands and being a workaholic like I am, it does not help. The biggest problem I have is I could go for two or three day working straight through.

I pick that habit up working with the Army working with the US Army I was working in a High security buildings in Japan & in Germany And you felt like you going in to a jail, going into work I had to pass through a control point they had at the entrance and a second one just in side the building and once I get back to my shop you never see the outside (NO WINDOWS) so I never knew for shore if it is day time or night and it so easy to get your body internal clock flipped. And their was a time in both location

I ended up working 12 to 16 hour days due to shortages of staff to keep up with the work. And working in the food And Beverage industry as a waiter & my last five years in the industry; I was getting in the management. And this ended up being a long week; they were a time the weeks were @ 70 to 80 hours & that times more. You learn you must do what is needed to get the job done! As you build your name you do not wish any stain of failure. So you all ways keep an ear out for comment about your service and their over all opinion of the restaurant as a hole.

Then on top of all this junk I start self-analyzing and I am amazed how much I am turning in to an old fart. Like a lot of old farts they have too much time on their hands to think; and you got to watch you’re self for the grumpiness; I hate that feeling but it come on from time to time. So I decided to look for a local group to meet with more like minded people, so we can create a “round table group ”So I join the local Chamber of Commerce. To meet other local business people. And with my A typical personality, thinking a bout the details of open a office in my home to start by Business to business Service. And keeping up with my classes in programing my push me over the edge.LOL

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