needing help geting my core Ftp working

Last Update: July 20, 2012

Good evening to all:

Does anyone know what a 530 code is? On the Core FTP LE program; it act’s like it is a bad password, but I know it is correct because I Copy/Paste it off the WA’s domain page. My setting in the site manager is the default's setting with the correct UserName/Password from the WA’s domain page.I know the site is working because it shows the hold page fine


My setting:


Username: ftp_xxxx#xxx

Password: *******

Port 20 timeout 60 Retries 2 un-checked Retry On

Checked PASV un-checked Use Proxy

Connection FTP


All I get is:


Connect socket #984 to, port 21...

220 FTP server ready

USER ftp_etlmxock

331 Password required for ftp_etlmxock

PASS **********

530 Login incorrect

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CSmith1 Premium
Having another look, appears to have been pointing to WA hosting for some time.
Back on June 27th I think, WA had to change all domain FTP passwords on all domains hosted here for security reasons.
nightowlpc Premium
I know I'm using the current password since Security change. I am using the current Username & password
Thanks for a good try I got that “T” shirt and it’s worn out now.
CSmith1 Premium
Hi Jim, I use FileZilla and created a video showing new members how to connect via FTP.
But it sounds like you know what you're doing, the error message is telling you either the user or password is wrong, all I can suggest is that you double check password.
nightowlpc Premium
I’ll give FileZilla a try.
nightowlpc Premium
I downloaded FileZilla a nd still get the same thing
atus: Resolving address of
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 FTP server ready
Command: USER ftp_etlmxock
Response: 331 Password required for ftp_etlmxock
Command: PASS *********
Response: 530 Login incorrect.
Error: Critical error
Error: Could not connect to server
Renni Premium
I've had trouble logging into FTP as well...I kinda just gave up cuz I have no right to be in there...I will just mess things up anyway. It is annoying tho so if you get an answer I would love to know about it. Thanks for posting this.
nightowlpc Premium
It ended up the server problem; the 530 code was not recognizing the password, and the server techs did there magic.
georgejhaas Premium
Jim, I also had some issues with FTP using FileZilla. I would fill out an issue ticket and submit the error above in it. The server experts will review your situation and should be able to provide you with the reason why you are experiencing FTP issues.

Click on build websites and then support tickets. Good luck!
BlueDot Premium
Hi - not sure if I can help but what are you trying yo do?
nightowlpc Premium
I am trying to upload a page to my site.