My little trip to Europe & I ready to go back today.

Last Update: May 31, 2012

This was a short trip (20 days in total) but a very nice one; I decided to go and see my old boss/ associate (he was the Sous-Chef/ grill chef and I was the head waiter/dining room manager; And Alain’s partner was Raymond the sauté chef) that moved back to southern France; when the restaurant got sold & close; that I worked at for five year with him and his partner that pass away about seven years ago now.
I figured since I was going to France I should start out in Amsterdam since I always had a dream to see ever since, when I was living in Germany back in the 70’s & take the high speed train down to see my friend in Valras-Plage, France down on the Mediterranean Sea. This meant a train from Amsterdam to Paris change trains to continue to Bèziers, France. And it turn out more than just changing train the two train were in two different station’s; and I only had one-hour to change lucky me it was only one stop apart on the subway. But once I got to Paris Gare du Nord to get Gare de Lyon I had two option sub way or taxi but the size of that station was huge! And with my disability; I am not good at walking, so I decided “taxi” I know it was less than 30 euros and that is far less than me miss my train and waiting to the next day for a another train to Beziers. The cost of changing ticket and a hotel at last second. But I made my train with plenty of time. Once at Beziers Alain pick me up for the 15 minute ride to his home. After a couple day there Alain toke me to Carcassonne, France to see the medieval castle that was great! After staying with him for two week, I returned to Amsterdam to fly home after a couple more days there.
And yes I visited a couple “coffeeshop” there. Had a great time you know you’re in Amsterdam when a coffeeshop is not a coffee shop. It brought back some memories of Vietnam a couple of my short TDY trip I had there. The Cannabis there was very nice and it was great to it was legal to hold small amounts less than 5 grams and smoke in the shop or in private. And yes by law it is illegal to smoke it on the streets. Odds are the cop will not say anything to you but they could (“but it is illegal to fire it up on the streets”).
As long you play by the Dutch rules your fine. And I’m ready to go back for a week stay!

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veronica.l Premium
Sounds like you got to see some great things. Make sure you get up to see Scandinavia next time it is beautiful! I am going back home to Sweden this summer, can not wait :)

So what is your next travel destination on your agenda?
nightowlpc Premium
.I'm trying to get my wife to come with me next time hoping for May 2013 shoting for UK, Ireland & stonehenge and Amsterdam
Sielke Premium
Awesome, I've never been to Europe except for a pass through on my way to the Middle East. For the short time I was in Germany it was beautiful and I wish I was there under different circumstances. I hope I can go back soon and really do the tourist thing.
nightowlpc Premium
Let me know when you're ready to go back, I'll meet you there.