About ProSparky
Joined September 2010
I am a Journeyman Electrician with 11 years on the job, I do residential and commercial wiring. I have done some industrial but it is not my choice of work. Plus there isn't a whole lot of industrial work here in Wyoming. I pride myself on being knowledgable and doing the job right the first time with attention to detail and perfect craftmanship. I have only been laid off twice in my career, the first time was at 9 years in. I had joined the local union, after my first year with the union I was laid off for 2 months. It was a horrible time for me because until then the only guys I saw get laid off were the lazy not so good electricians. But with the union this is not the case, everyone gets laid off. For them, it is just the way of the trade. So, I cut ties with the union shortly after that.
Currently this is my second time being laid off and it's due to lack of work in the area. I had a friend start his own shop but at this time of year it has been difficult to pick up work.
I am married to a wonderfully beautiful woman whom is a stay at home mom and she takes very good care of her boys. She says "long live the queen."
We have three boys that I kindly refer to as the "savages."
We have two pets, a crested gecko named Sandy and a german shepard named Blitz.
I enjoy fishing, hunting, bike riding and just spending time with my family.
I am putting my best effort forward to making this marketing job work so that some day soon I can take my family on a GREAT vacation.
To be able to be here at home setting my own schedule would mean the world to me.
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croninweb Premium
Welcome to WA and if you need help just Pm us and we will do our best to help.
croninweb Premium
How are you doing?
croninweb Premium
You are right and wrong --send me a PM and I will help you.
croninweb Premium
ProSparky Premium
Thanks Croninweb, So far all my questions have been getting answered by visiting the forum and using the search tool. There is a wealth of info here.
ProSparky Premium
oh...well...not as good as I would like. Feeling lost, confused, dumb and stressed. Read a few posts on the forum but didn't really find my answer. So, now I'm wondering if I missed something someplace, getting ready to read my lessons over again today.
Trying to read all the info I can on article marketing so I can get going on it. I understand keyword research and the writing But I got lost someplace. I am on a very limited budget so I can't afford mistakes. One I have made already is buying a domain before I understood keyword search but that is the way the lessons want you to do it...anyway now I'm not sure if I need to buy a new domain. After reading in the forum I feel as though I may have to buy a few more in order to do it right. My thought was I don't need a domain to do article marketing all I would have to do is right an article submit it, from there you get listed and people click your affiliate link from there but that isn't the case, is it?
Ok I need to go read.
ProSparky Premium
Thanks for being there for me buddy, I did find the answers I was looking for.
Frets Premium
Welcome aboard!
ProSparky Premium
Thanks Frets!
Hi and welcome to WA - what a great reason / motivation to succeed
ProSparky Premium
Hello and thank you Carole. I am very motivated for this...a diamond in the rough.
famousplumber Premium
You gotit! Learn and take action!
famousplumber Premium
Ya, man!!! I'm 63 and couldn't even turn on a computer 3 years ago! Too busy turnin' wrenches! Check it out, tho-this IM stuff works. It's a real gas when you get to makin' some dough.
ProSparky Premium
Thanks famousplumber good to see other tradesmen doing this, gives me more comfort.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
ProSparky Premium
Thanks Jamie I plan to be here awhile.