Two more articles approved!

Last Update: October 25, 2010

Well...It's monday morning, I went to ezine to see how my article has done and I have two more articles approved! Waiting on two more to be approved. I am getting traffic but not a whole lot of click throughs, no sales either.

At least I have published articles, now I just need to perfect what I am doing. I do have more ideas to get started on but I have chosen for now to perfect my article writing first. My plan is to get platinum at ezine then I can spend a little more time working on other ideas and aspects of this marketing game.

Some sales would be nice in the process, I don't know if I can stay here at WA much longer. I am going to make every effort to stay but only time will tell.

First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. ~Epictetus~

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mbearce Premium
I'm right with you on your path to success. Try to perfect one thing at a time, then focus on other things.

Nice job.