WooHoo!! First article published!!

Last Update: October 21, 2010

Okay, I have no idea what to think other then WOOHOO!!

Well, my last blog I told you I had two articles submitted to Ezine, I kept on writing and now have five awaiting approval. I am getting faster at writing articles, some times I feel as though I ramble and have to go back over it to make sure I am staying focused. But I'm writing and submitting so this is a good thing.

I received an email from ezine this morning letting me know my first article has been accepted and published! The crazy part to me is the email goes on to say I have also earned "Expert Author Status" which I am not sure what that means other then what they say as far as my article being listed on their high traffic page within 48hrs. Hopefully what it all means is sales!!!

Thanks WA and PotPieGirl!!!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  Explore, Dream, Discover! ~Mark Twain~

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Fallulah Premium
Hey ProSparky! Congratulations :) It's a jolly good feeling isn't it? Here's to many more ...
jatdebeaune Premium
ProSparky Premium
I see, oh well, It does feel good. Thanks both of you.
Labman_1 Premium
Congratulations. Ezine provides expert author status to you when you have been published. Feels good doesn't it.
WRI Premium
Awesome job! Keep up the good work..