2 Ezine Articles

Last Update: October 15, 2010

Okay, I submitted 2 articles into Ezine hopefully all goes well and they are approved soon. My first article took me 8 hours from start to submission. Didn't take me that long to write it was the getting it submitted part that took so long. So, what I did was typed the article in MS Word, from there I copied and pasted into Rapid Writer. There I checked my key word fill, it was at 2.8% for a 416 word article. I went with it, did the same copy and paste into Ezine and they rejected it because they said I had a 5.5% keyword fill AND there was another word I didn't consider my keyword that was at 6.8%! I did some re-writing and got the word counts down to where Ezine would accept my article. Out of curiosity I put the now revised article into Rapid Writer, did the keyword count and it was at 1.8%. Not real sure why there is such a difference, the lessons say keyword fill should be 3% - 5%. I figured it has something to do with word count as well.

Anyway, my second article took 4 hours from start to finish, I used several different keywords throughout the article, so, I feel as though I improved my content and got faster at the submittal process.

My goal is to get 2 more articles done today, hopefully faster. :)

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Louise M. Premium
The more quality articles you'll write, the faster they'll be accepted and published by EzineArticles. :) Keep up the good work!