Shout out for PotPieGirl

Last Update: October 13, 2010

Wow, I want to send a BIG shout out to PotPieGirl, She has cleared up quite a few things for me as far as article marketing goes. I was feeling lost and confused by the course here at WA. At first I would visit the forum and read the posts that were out there which would answer my questions. Then somewhere along the line I became lost and felt as though I was reading another language and I could not find the answers to my questions. Then I started to see how lost many members are here, posting comments in the wrong area for instance, so I was begining to feel like I had made yet another wrong decision. Then one day I returned to the forum and there it was right there, my answer staring me in the face, Couldn't hurt to check it out, right? PotPieGirl explains things in a way that just makes sense. I have since made my first sale...never could have imagined what a great feeling that first sale is! I am Looking forward to many more!!! Thank you PotPieGirl!! Right now I am feeling like they should put her on staff here at WA and should have her go through and update this course!!! HIGH FIVES AND HUGS TO YOU PotPieGirl.

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NEA03 Premium
Yea, PPG rules! Congratulations on that 1st sale :)
prinker Premium
Congrats on your first sale. I also started with The Dam Way and then went on to OWM; I haven't made any sales yet, but I totally agree with you on how PotPieGril lays everything out in such a way that you really can understand it. There are many times when I feel like people are talking way over my head and that isn't there fault or mine, but it is great once you do finally grasp a concept.