Posts by Renni 23
May 18, 2011
Okay, it's been a coupla weeks since my last blog post - don't frown, I've been BUSY! I got thru some of the obstacle that were totally frustrating me in my last post. I let go of the ones I deemed not necessary to learn right now and concentrated on ones that were important to keep things moving. I still need to lots of backlinking and finding new products, etc.  In the meantime, I took on the 30 Articles in 30 Days Challenge. Now I know I'm completely off my rocker! Like I don't have enou
Hi All, Okay, so for the past coupla days I've been learning about HTML - at least the basics and I get it. This morning I was trying to get my blog page to show posts where they should appear because all that shows on the page is the blog graphics, two big gray boxes which don't contain text. When I started trying different things to get the post to show instead of the boxes, in my ineptitude I think I just made matters worse. Then I succeeded in finding lots of WP training that I wasn't awar
March 12, 2011
Hi to all of you out there in WA-world! I am very excited about joining WA. I've been hearing about it for a long time via I've Tried That and finally took the plunge. And it's already Day 5! Goodness! Other than my neck killing me from the position I've been sitting in while working on this for the past 4+ days, I'm feeling pretty good about all this. The amount of information is a tad overwhelming (and I'm the type to want to do it all NOW) but I've been there before with other programs. This