Posts by Renni 23
Tagging on Wayne's blog post today....more smiles on the way...This site went viral so fast it makes my head 3 mill hits in the first week. Touted as very educational for kids who never saw a farm or know anything about agriculture and don't know where the bulk of the food they eat actually comes from...!Renni
June 27, 2012
Hello WA!Since I have a bit to say about this issue, I didn't want to put it out in a chat...too much to write so I figure a blog may be the way to go or the forum. I'm not sure which is more appropriate so here it am having sitemap and url error issues in Google - or so Google tells me. 2 Server errors, 11 Not found, 34 access denied, and 8 Other.I'm noticing that the pages referred to in the errors have wp-admin after the main domain name so does this mean that people a
Hi All!I hope y'all are having a good day and being productive. I'm trying to be productive but have been trying to verify a site with Google so I can access the Webmaster tools and such and it has now been over an hour and I still haven't accomplished my task. It's the little things like this that can really waste your time and hang you up.The quest so far....So, I'm in Google and they give me an html file to download to my server. I go to the server and there is only an upl
March 22, 2012
Well my second 30 in 30 challenge completed, I now feel freer to pay more attention to my other projects. I just pulled off the first run through editing an urban novel in three sessions. It's more of a challenge to edit these types of tomes because they come in a very raw form. Seems neither the author nor typist has any real clue about how to speak/write the language properly. And you have to leave the dialogue vernacular while adhering to the rules more strictly in the rest of the text. Thi
March 16, 2012
Hi All! Well I got my time down but find I still have too much to say in my articles. I want to give more information than is probably necessary. I want to cover all the bases. Learning how to narrow my topic down to sub-topics and break longer articles up into smaller chunks. That's the ticket. Not that I always do it :) But I got how to do it and that's really good - especially since now I can write more than one article on the same topic more easily and get more keywords/phrases out there. T
March 09, 2012
Kept it short and ended with 398 words - added a few on the back end to get over 400 and ended up with 401. Wasn't easy to write cuz it's related to a site that I admin for someone else so had to do some research and use his info. Plus KW research...yada yada yada My time was about half an hour so both goals are getting there. I'm nearing my goal to get my time at 20 minutes, my research under 10, and my word count 400 and am almost there. Thing is, it's still uncomfortable so the next goal will
March 07, 2012
Today's lesson was to keep my articles short and keep the time I take to write them down. Succeeded with the first article (about 20 minutes and 450 words which is real good for me!) but had to do a little research on the second one and not counting that time, it took about an hour to write. I used Labman's advice and had an essential outline for the first one but used the notes I took (and paragraphs I started writing while doing the research) for the second. It took me about 45 minutes to writ
March 06, 2012
Well, I wrote two Street Article's yesterday and had every intention of writing the next two today before and after work. The road to hell...LOL. I find creative ways to procrastinate so I can still fell productive. I do other things that need to be done in order to avoid the things I should be doing but want to put off. And I'm tired of writing --probably because every time I tell myself my article is going to be just around 400+ words, I end up with at least 800 words and sometimes more. I'm g
March 02, 2012
Okay, I'm a third of the way through the 30 in 30 Challenge and today's email from Kyle said to write two articles related to something in the news. I wrote about the Fair Tax for the first one and found a great link to the website where a series of short videos explains it all in simple terms by a guy who is very well spoken on the subject.  So then I was kinda at a loss to figure out a second newsworthy topic. And I've heard many times that we should try to be controversial. S
February 17, 2012
It's been a while since I created a post here or have even been here and I have a couple of  messages I didn't realize I had in here - I usually just check New Messages in my internal email at WA. So, first let me apologize for not getting back to you sooner and for not adding all the buddy requests that I didn't realize had been growing. I added you all and thanks for wanting to Buddy me. I have several websites to monitor and create posts for and that's why I don't spend time here. Betwee