A word on focus

Last Update: September 17, 2009

We all know that focus is a requirement in order to be successful in this industry, but what does that mean?

Sure, you could be focused on IM, but if you're not focused in your actions, then you're not actually focused!

Work on one niche at a time,draw up a to-do list, assign them due dates and get cracking! Once you've accomplished all your goals,evaluate your progress and decide whether or not you want to continue working on that niche or move on. I wouldn't say stick to a niche until you're making $100 a day from it, for example, since there are occasions where that's not practical. Rather, decide on a fixed amount of time, or fixed number of articles, or some kind of goal to achieve at which time you will stop and review your campaign. If you see potential, or where you can improve your campaign, then set a new goal and re-evaluate once you achieve that goal.

If you don't feel that any particular niche is worth any further effort and you've given a sincere "good go" at it, then don't flog a dead horse and move on!

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