One Of My Sites Just Got a Facelift!

Last Update: November 15, 2009

It took me about a week to finish; it's amazing how involved you can really get with web design! A shadow here, reflection there, another graphic needed for something else.... you can REALLY get carried away!

But it was due; I mean, as a full-time web designer and internet marketer, I often give my clients a far better product/service than I give to myself! Tragic I know, and I rekon it's all conditioning. We're conditioned from a young age to be good employees, and that our boss / clients are king and they are the most important people in the world. That's SO wrong! YOU are the most important person in YOUR world!

Anyway, like I was saying before the philosophical sideline started, it was due. My Web Design Company's Website looked tragic! And now, well...

Go see for yourself:

Hey drop me a comment and let me know what you think!

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sox1n05 Premium
That is a very cool site! How long did it take you to build that? I have messed around with templates before, but have yet to build a site from scratch. That is awesome!
StorminNorman Premium
hey buddy way cool site. You definitely have talent! i ain't EVEN gonna let ya see one of mine. I would be sooooooooooooooooooo embarrassed. I create some frickin' UGLY sites but the adsense revenue pays for 'em and ... they capture leads and that's all I care about. but man, I do wish I had talent like yours so I could build nicer looking sites.