Your Own Custom-Built Internet Marketing Machine

Last Update: November 03, 2009

Hi All,

Well, I've just finished  off another landing page and wordpress theme for two of my clients, and it's really rewarding to have such positive feedback from them, especially because they are fellow WAers!

Roger (who you would know as X2 here at WA) and I chat quite often, and he's helping quite a few people with their first internet marketing campaign by showing them the ropes in a very hands-on way, much like a mentor, and he got me thinking, what can I offer?

You see, when I first came to WA, much like most of you, I knew NOTHING! Hosting, Domains, FTP.... what the HELL, right?! So I sat down and studied, and did so for over a year. Then  I went to work for somebody, doing their internet marketing and web development for just under a year and took one of their flagship websites from 1 enquiry a week to between 3 and 10 enquiries a day, representing million in annual turnover.

And now, I'm on my own... and it feels great! I KNOW I can do it for myself since I've done it before for someone else. But I really like the idea of helping others out too, and knowing that most of you don't have a year to waste on learning these things, I figured that I could give many people a jump-start on their IM efforts if I made all the technical stuff as easy as child's play.

This is what I've put together to do just that. I hope it's not the last either. Believe me, this service doesn't even cover what the time it takes to do this really is worth to me right now. I hope it helps somebody, perhaps you?

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X2 Premium
Thanks for the mention Ruggero!

Everyone will learn soon enough what you have to offer.

I appreciate all the help you have given me.
