Twitter made easy!

Last Update: September 21, 2009

You've heard about twitter by now, and it's the latest IM craze that's got everyone talking.

 To be honest, I wasn't much of a fan. I mean, not to say I don't see the incredible marketing potential it offers, but what a pain! The idea is to follow poeple and have them follow you, and you basically then update your followerson what you're doing, or a cool new resource you found etc in 140 characters or less.In theory it sounds easy enough, right? But practicality, what a PAIN! Open your browser, browse to twitter and login, then add your entry. I must go through all that EVERY time I want to "tweet" something?Or worse, login to twitter and leave it open, then try to find it in my mayhem of open tabs tomake a post! No thanks!

So I looked around, and found a NICE little application called Twhirl.

A groovy little free application that sits in your taskbar and monitors as many twitter accounts as you may have. You get full twitter functionality, including direct messaging etc. Now any time I want to tweet something (which usually happens if I find something cool for my niche), I just double-click on the little icon sitting in my taskbar, tweet and minimize...... LOVELY!

You need to install  Adobe AIR first in order to use this little app though. It's also free so don't sweat it!


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