Niche Research doesn't mean "Pick a Product!"

Last Update: September 17, 2009

Hey All!

I just thought I'd share this with you. I just stumbled across a post where a relative newbie was advising a complete greeny to pick a product (niche research) and focus on selling that product..... 

I'm praying she means find (not pick) a niche and focus on that niche!

Sure, sometimes the occasion calls where you stumble across a great product and want to market it, but trying to find a niche with the product selected first is a far more challenging task then doing the niche research first, and I doubt you'll be as successful at finding a highly targeted niche as someone who starts with niche research first, and then finds a product to market to that niche.

 Remember Travis's 3 famous steps:

1. Find a "hungry crowd"

2. Find out their "burning desire"

3. Give it to them

The order is 1,2, then 3, not 3 first!

Do your niche research first! Use whatever suits you as a, what I call, "trigger" for getting niche ideas, such as ebay pulse, ezinearticles, DMOZ, google trends, or even keywords. DON'T try to work backwards from a product - that'll set you up for failure (most of the time.)

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