Posts by Shaselle 9
September 17, 2010
Six months and 4 days to be exact since I've been a member at WA.  I realised Six Important aspects of my journey as an affiliate:   1). I am still here at WA and firming up for this business.  Haven't earned much but then again, my thinking is to do this right, morally, ethically and professionally.  So I am still doing my own readings, research here and there, get motivated to try some new stuff.   2). You can't rush this type of business (if you're really serious at i
 Ooops...It's back to square one for me but it's okay.  I've passed the dark tunnel, with a few changes.  I have learned a lot from those problems.  Still shady with Wordpress Express but I think this is a WA issue really.   Thanks to Marcus' suggestion, I changed my domain (VERY HAPPY for the change).   My blog and funnel is finally alive, everything connects, opt in, the whole lot  (all happened this morning).  Thank God.  One lesson I have learned
I don't really want to sound like I'm whinging but I am just not happy the way my WA is going at the moment.  As a  Super Affiliate, it seems I am extremely a mess.   Actually, I didn't have a hard time choosing a product to promote because from day 1 I was determined to be a Super Affiliate promoting WAU.  However, one by one I'm being knocked back by some changes that happened here.   First, the price increase.  I feel that to get people sign up is tougher already
 THIS IS IT!  The pains of starting an Affiliate Marketing business is like natural child birth (only mothers who has gone through having babies know the pain I'm referring to).  If you have a breech baby, usually you go into caesarian.  It can be a painful childbirth.  This is how I see my Affiliate Marketing business at the moment.  I could not describe the pain I am going through at the moment but I will share the highlights  so any newbie will not make simi
1 comment
June 14, 2010
 IT'S TRUE what Kyle & Carson and all the other experts here have been encouraging us newbies to do, that is to take ACTION.   I'm a member of WA for 3 months today and it has been quite a journey from learning, to earning and now blogging.   I will keep this short forgive me if I sound a bit an i-me-mine but it's my story I want to share, hopefully someone will learn from it.   I started at WA quite wobbly.   Shortly after I signed up, my husband's surgeon inform
I woke up one morning and realised that it's now time for me to wear  my snickers and start running - on the net that is.  My timetable says NOW for my Super Affiliate ad campaign.  These are what I'm doing: ARTICLE WRITING -More significantly doing a lot of targeting my niche, keyword research, researching topics and writing like crazy.  My goal is to follow Kyle and Carson's advise (to write 10 articles/week).  I am however capable of writing 2 articles a day so that'
May 27, 2010
The moment has come for me to post something of significance.  After 2 months, with lots of bumps along the way (personal health reasons that came out okay),  my work, my photography etc.  This new business of Affiliate Marketing with WA is finally shaping up with my website finally up and running. The 'taking action' part is happening and keep happening.   This morning I got an email from Kyle about pending price increase and it's quite a finale for this week's tough start.
 I'm blogging my issues here because I desperately need HELP.  I have created my WA website and time to activate it failed as FTP wouldn't connect.     I have done the following: directed my godaddy domain to WA hosting about 6 hours now as of this writing back at WA site rubix tried to upload FTP arrow,  looked fine but showed connection error, can't find host.   searched the forum relative to my dilemma, done some adjustments  still didn't work.  my qu
March 28, 2010
Started my website but I have left it unfinished because I need to learn more how to do it or where to proceed.  I need someone to check and find out whether it's okay or not.  I might have to hire someone to help me finish it.  Not sure of my next move.  I'm taking a break for a while.  I'm disappointed because I sent a query to site rubix people but I got no reply.  I am now beginning to believe that this isn't for everyone at all.  If you have no clue about