Six Months Journey To Success

Last Update: September 17, 2010

Six months and 4 days to be exact since I've been a member at WA.  I realised Six Important aspects of my journey as an affiliate:  

1). I am still here at WA and firming up for this business.  Haven't earned much but then again, my thinking is to do this right, morally, ethically and professionally.  So I am still doing my own readings, research here and there, get motivated to try some new stuff.  

2). You can't rush this type of business (if you're really serious at it you build/learn it over time.  I've had my moments of despair, gone sluggish, became slack, but the spirit to make it in this business never waned.  Because the spirit still lives, giving up never crossed my mind.  

3). Like anything, there is an element of trial and error.  One thing doesn't work, you analyse and shift to another, until you succeed.  Patience indeed is a virtue. 

4). Time and Action are important elements.  I gave a lot of time in this business (reading, learning, learning and learning).  It is easy to mistake 'procrastination' as learning perhaps and this is where I've to be honest about it myself.  When I was in that 'procrastination' mode, I consciously try to stir away from it and revert to doing something more productive relative to my affiliate business. Action is the important part of those endless hours of reading and learning. Without action, there is no way anyone can make it in this business.  

5). I can do it.  Over time I realised that I can do it and this positive assessment came with a lot of thought.  In my readings and research, I found that the ideas presented by the successful people in this business aren't really that hard.  The difference is that they were ahead of me and they took action.  

6). Stick-to-it-iveness.  I've learned to 'stick to it' no matter what.  In six months with WA and as an affiliate, I've had some website crashed, gone, deleted, changed domain names and worst was in my real world there were health issues (cancer scare) and an accident.  I've had all the factors/excuses that could stir me away from this business or loose interest in it.  I have never once thought of giving up.  Just slowed down a bit but not stopping completely.  

So off I go to the next half of the year in my life as an affiliate.  Some renewed vigor came when Kyle, Carson & Marcus created the Article Marketing Club and I applied, got accepted.  A BIG THANK YOU.   

Sometimes we need a push to catapult us into real action and consequently succeed.  I am hopeful the AM Club will help me get there. 



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Congratulations shaselle , your words inspire me , and ofcourse congratz for joining the club , you worthed it :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations Shaselle, all the way around. One thing that helps, that I've been learning the hard way, is keep your energy in one place at a time. If you're writing articles, do that until you meet your objective for that small period of time. If building links, then reserve a space of time to do just that, and so forth and so on. You get trapped when you become a grazer: little of this, little of that. Easy to fall into that trap. Concentrated action is what yields.