Birth Pangs -Newbie Lesson 101

Last Update: June 24, 2010

 THIS IS IT!  The pains of starting an Affiliate Marketing business is like natural child birth (only mothers who has gone through having babies know the pain I'm referring to).  If you have a breech baby, usually you go into caesarian.  It can be a painful childbirth.  This is how I see my Affiliate Marketing business at the moment.  I could not describe the pain I am going through at the moment but I will share the highlights  so any newbie will not make similar disastrous mistakes as I did.  

  • THE BLOG & FUNNEL - It was great, I was happy with the preset blogs by Kyle & Carson.  I started my article campaign, signed up for Adwords.  
  • NEW WORDPRESS - Oh it's even getting better,  quick and easy and zoom you get your blog.  BUT my mistake was that I did not enter new domain.  I used my usual domain, the one I used for the Blog & Funnel.  What happened then was that my blog and funnel was erased.  Gone.  Overwritten by the new wordpress.  Now I'm not happy with the results.  I want the Blog & Funnel content.  I stayed the whole night last night trying to fix everything.  Erased all the blogs.  Started from scratch.  NOTHING.  My blog is not up anywhere at all.
  • SITE RUBIX -   When I tried to revise the content of my url, it did not change the original content at all.  Nothing seems to connect properly as far as my stuff is concerned.  I don't know if you can actually revise your website content at all.  Anyone knows about this?  
I am pacing which way to go.   Marcus'  been very helpful but what he suggested that I do didn't work.  I might ask Kyle and Carson because it's way too technical for my brain at the moment.    The problem is when everyone is asleep on the other side of the world, I am awake on my side down under. :)) so the results may take a day or two.  
Well, I hope something good is going to happen after all these.  :)) That's life, it's not an easy journey but it's going to be one among many lessons to be learned.  
Got to go.  I need a break.  Might drive out to the countryside on the weekend, and get some good photos of sceneries.   

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Felio Premium
Thanks for sharing your mistakes. It's always a painful process when you start to learn new things. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.