Blog of Appreciation

Last Update: May 27, 2010

The moment has come for me to post something of significance.  After 2 months, with lots of bumps along the way (personal health reasons that came out okay),  my work, my photography etc.  This new business of Affiliate Marketing with WA is finally shaping up with my website finally up and running. The 'taking action' part is happening and keep happening.  

This morning I got an email from Kyle about pending price increase and it's quite a finale for this week's tough start.    I was disappointed with the price increase and some issues about it (will write a separate blog for this) nevertheless looking at the bright side of things, I now have my first truly running website so that's a true plus.  I have yet to add some stuff into it (again this is separate blog).  

My website wouldn't have come about without some valuable help from WA members around who truly helped.  i'm out of gold giving all out to the kind hearted people, the last one I gave to Ed.   Also the help of Kyle/Carson and Marcus pointed me to my own mistakes (oh it truly is a learning).  THANK YOU everyone for all your responses and I TRULY APPRECIATE the help.

This is when WA members (newbies specially) should know that out here at WA it's a helping community and I am touched by the comments, the help coming from members who weren't even my buddy before.  WA is truly a community of business people who are not selfish and lifts you up when you need it.  I will be helping out as well (as best as I can).  

THANK YOU and can't thank you enough.  Now am off to start doing something to make my website start earning $.  It still needs improvement and additions but it will come soon.   Yes I need help with suggestions I don't know many stuff about auto responders, word press, invites to subscribe, testimonials  oh these are foreign to me.  My website is   if you want to check it out and drop me some lines please.  Thanks again.  



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jerrymetarzan Premium
Neat Shaselle, I picture myself on one of those lounges running my multi-million dollar online marketing enterprise on my laptop!
Just wanted to say that it was my understanding the WA prices were going up only for new subscribers.
@ Maureen, good stuff in your comments, wow. I buddied you
maureenhannan Premium
Nice job on the site! One thing I would add to DABK's suggestions is to not say "We're a legitimate home-based business" in your "About" page. Most people who are legitimate don't need to announce it--and the ones who do I generally stay away from. Maybe something like "When we're not busy being webmasters and running multiple business websites, we enjoy giving advice and encouragement to those who strive to earn money from home themselves." Something like that gives the impression of BOTH legitimacy and concern/advocacy for the people reading. Which I think is what you're looking for here. Hope that's helpful....
Shaselle Premium
Thanks you for that good advise. I will include it definitely (sorry I have no more gold to give at the moment). :))
DABK Premium
Nice site. I would add a contact us page. I understand Google likes that. I definitely take more seriously sites with contact us info.

One suggestion, I'd move up the text so some of it shows above the fold, not only the headline and photo.