FTP Connection Errors etc

Last Update: May 18, 2010
I'm blogging my issues here because I desperately need HELP.  I have created my WA website and time to activate it failed as FTP wouldn't connect.  
I have done the following:
  • directed my godaddy domain to WA hosting about 6 hours now as of this writing
  • back at WA site rubix tried to upload FTP arrow,  looked fine but showed connection error, can't find host.  
  • searched the forum relative to my dilemma, done some adjustments  still didn't work. 
  • my question is how do you activate WA website?  am not even sure whether i did the right thing or not.  
I am appealing for help.  This is to me not a cinch as I am not a techie person although I did this all by myself because I wanted to learn (and learn from my mistakes hopefully).  Could some kindhearted member please direct me to the right person who could really go in there and check my work, find out where I made a mistake?  HOw do you PM siterubix?  The last time I didn't get reply from them.  
Immediate help would be very much appreciated. 
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