Book Stores,save your local

Last Update: June 20, 2012

This is a bit off-topic of IM but also a chance for a little break and cup of tea. If you are like me, and buy possibly collect books (yes I know and have heard of Kindle) and still use a local book stores, if you wouldn't mind to share the book store you use and possibly give me the link, as I am building and planning to build post and pages on my new site in support of local bookstores which I strongly believe is saving.

My new site is The Ranting, and the more bookstores I can talk about or link back to the better. Where ever in the world you are, if you have a local book store you cherrish, please share, thank you, Stephen.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Stephen, There are two really good ones in my neck of the woods. The Hickory Stick Bookshop in Washington Depot, Connecticut, and RJ Julia in Madison, Connecticut. These are two of my favorites. They are time revered.
sherbet penny Premium
Fantastic, will be added and hopefully they have a website I can snoop about with cheers.
jatdebeaune Premium
There are lots of writers and illustrators living in Connecticut. These are their favorite stores. Many book signings take place in these 2 stores. Intimate stores. Not like Barnes and Noble.
sherbet penny Premium
Thank again Joan, I hope to eventually grow this site while also promoting Local book stores, artists and writers with book reviews, interviews and video etc been a book geek and writer myself.