Google Panda and Website Dance

Last Update: August 04, 2011

So I have been keeping an eye, reading everywhere and studying the Google Panda scenario and as in the last 2 days, Panda is on release 2.3, and you may have noticed some of your sites doing the famous dance, as I have mine, which a lot of my sites had been jumping like frogs on hot coal, all now have returned with better page rank, actually all my Halloween sites have returned with better page rank and also the traffic to these sites has soared, so very happy as I must be doing something right.

So, if your site is jumping, do not worry, if you have been tidying it up like I have done to mine your sites should be fine. I would also like to point out most of my sites in the Halloween niche have Republished Ezine articles, article I believe benefit the visitor and bring traffic, and most of these article have come back with better page rank too, so happy out.

I have come across a great video (about 8 mins long) for all here at WA about the Google Panda scenario I believe is well worth the watch and the comments below the video are well worth reading too Click here for seomoz video.

Also, I am reading a book at the moment I find very interesting I think some people here at WA might love, it is a book about how the Internet is rewiring our brains, and gives a great look in to how the Internet will change in the next few years which so far has been a scary eye opener especially for someone just starting in this business but also for writers like myself who would love to publish a few books but as I can see, books will be like vinyl soon enough, scary scary scary. The book is called “The Shallows” by Nicholas Carr, excellent read.

Have a great day......


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I'm with you, Joan. I don't think paper bound books will ever go away. It would be a sad, sad day if they did. I Love the smell of Books and a nice library in any room adds a little serenity. What's next? A Coffee table "Kindle"? YUK!
sherbet penny Premium
That's all it really takes, few tweaks.
rocktivity Premium
Yes, I noticed that my sites danced around a little yesterday. But this time I didn't panic -- I just figured it was Google's time of month, LOL! But having watched Jay's web traffic webinar, I made a couple of little tweaks, and already one of my sites is back at #1.
sherbet penny Premium
Yes Joan, I am a lover of paper too but it is inevitable that books will be eventually like vinyl, sadly.
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Stephen. Very good article. I had trouble with the vid however. Maybe I'll try again later. Sounds like an interesting book too. Look forward to reading it.
Noticed my page rank went up on one of my sites, and another has been getting that cached treatment where Google itemizes different sections of your site right under the name. Not quite sure what that means. In order not to feel too jerked around, I'm just trying to make sites that I enjoy myself. I think layout and easy navigation are very important, as well as content. The overall "look" for me, is extremely important. Liked what the article said about humor and pictures being appealing to folks, even if you're not that interested in the topic. As for books, well I love paper bound books. Technology is fine, but sure don't want to see printed paper books going away.