Stop reading crappy emails!!

Last Update: November 29, 2010

I have posted this on my blog but thought I would share it also with my WA friends and buddies.

How many times have you come across something like this "The Internet is changing fast and you will be left behind if you do not see the latest make money product out now" and so on,  "sign up now for a free sample of this product" it goes on and on....

There are a lot of these types of advertisements around the Internet, and in reality there is nothing wrong with them, it is the nature of this business of course, but, for newbies just out of nappies and welcomed in to the fine world of Internet and Affiliate Marketing, it is very easy to be drawn in, distracted, sign up to so many "helpful"  emails and even hand over some of your money for a product you do not need, trust me, most of us newbies get caught and have been there, so what do you do? and how do you avoid your email account been bombarded?

The main problem here, and this not only goes for newbies but also for experienced marketers, is it interferes with your productivity, you get very distracted and start to fall behind on your own Marketing career.

The Positives?

Let's take a look at some of the positives first from been signed up to a lot of gurus emails. As trust me, I have signed up to a lot, but now I have just 3-4 I trust and like to hear from, and use them for great up to date tips and information.

1. You hear the latest news on what is happening in the Internet Marketing World.

2. You get amazing tips, sometimes excellent free Marketing information which I will say has drastically improved my Marketing Career.

3. Sometimes you get great videos, that give you fantastic "oh ye that's what I was doing wrong" tips and can help you with your training.

4. Free gifts. Yes gurus like to give out free gifts now and again, but if you dig deeper or know what's coming, there is always a hidden product to buy on the cards.

Yes, some of these positives sound great and what am I moaning about, but let us see the negatives.

The Negatives?

1. Your Email account gets hijacked. You start to get too many emails, and as one guru leads to another (there is always another "friend" who you "need" to sign up to) you have so  many mails coming in, that you think you need to read, it consumes all your time.

2. Distraction. This is by far the biggest negative. When you are starting out as an Internet Marketer, actually, any online business, you need to concentrate on you, find what works for you. You need to 100% commit to your online business. Subscribing to gurus mails leads to distractions. You may have goals set for the day, receive an interesting "must read" email, next you know and hour has past, maybe the video was over an hour, and maybe you have even purchased an e-book or new tool you have to read or play around it, next you know, You are ignoring your own business and getting nowhere, and that is not good at all.

3. Buying products you do not need. We have all been there, it will not happen again ha! But, with every product coming out, there is always a free way to do it. Now, of course there are some products and tool us Marketers need, but, when you are starting out and are on a low budget, use the free tools like Keyword tools etc. and learn how to master what is free first before you buy a "must have" product. YOU DO NOT NEED THEM OK!

4. Unmanageable email boxes. Like point number one, but from another angle, you think you must not delete these mails, and next you know, you have so much in your email, so many names, your lost in your own account arrrhhh!

As you can see, my negatives are more like rants, but it is a point and advice I'm trying to deliver. It's important to use your time wisely, not reading mail after mail.

What Can We Do?

Well, the answer could be a simple Unsubscribe, but I will break down some options and hopefully they make a little sense.

1. The obvious. Unsubscribe.  If you believe you are getting no value at all from the emails you are receiving, go to the bottom of the page and unsubscribe, don't be afraid, if you haven't had any value by now, what are the chances of value in the future, come out of your shell and just do it (sound like a Nike ad there haha!)

2. Choose. This is what I have done. There are certain marketers and people I love to get mails from, Joel comm, Lisa from  2 create a website, pot pie girl, and I will stay stay with them. They offer friendly advice, not at all pushy, informative and just good people. So use and listen to the people who can benefit you and your learning process.

3. Falls in with 2. Set aside some time. If you are staying subscribed to some of the lists, choose a day or couple of hours, away from your own online work. As I do, in the mornings now, a quick check of my mails. I have a specific mail box set up where I send mails that are to be read in my spare time. It's a separate folder, keep the mails there and read them at your specific "leisure hour" or so to speak. This gives you time to spend on your own campaigns and also a specific time you give yourself to catch up on your email reading.

4. Do not be afraid of joining new lists. Remember, some of these gurus or top marketers give solid sound advice and tips, if you find marketer you seem to like and are benefiting from, put in to your "must read" mail box you have created for yourself. If after a few mails you see the same ramblings about great products, good-bye, and unsubscribe. You need to be brave and ruthless.


It's time to stop farting around with your online career, take action and move forward. There are of course positives and negative to Guru emails, but really, it's the people who get up in the morning and get there tasks and goals done who are successful in this business. Stop relying on others for "new great products" or "this fantastic new tool" that will help you make tons of cash. Use your best tool, your huge brain, stop messing about with emails, take action, make some money with some good old hard word...

And stop reading this haha!



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taku123 Premium
Love it! That is a fricken awesome post!
sherbet penny Premium
Fact, this place is the ultimate product!
Khairul Anwar Premium
Thx for this great advice man. New product launches are pretty tempting and could distract new affiliates. Having experienced myself, every other new product is just the same thing packaged in a different way. What more can we ask for than what we have here at WA...:)
sherbet penny Premium
Well the free stuff especially for newbies. I couldn't afford my own set of sharp knives when I started out as a chef 17 years ago but as time went by, I earned my cash and bought the right tools for the right job, I like to approach this business as I did my cheffing career haha!
jatdebeaune Premium
Good advice Stephen. I discovered the delete button a while back. And I just discovered the unsubscribe button recently. Always feel bad about unsubscribing, but when it gets out of hand, you have to. There are a few I like to hear from. The others just peddle programs that may even be good, but you can't buy everything. You're right about using the free stuff first.