Street Articles,You're really beginning to pee me off!!
What Is The Point Of Street Articles.
Man, this article site is really beginning to pee me off and I'm sure I am not the only one. I recently decided to give them a try with all the over the top panic about Ezine articles, and write a few as they are claiming they are the new power, top rankings etc and all that, fine.
Not for the first time, you spend your time writing an UNIQUE ya hear me UNIQUE article, as just a few minute ago, a 613 word UNIQUE article, all my own words only again, and I repeat, not for the first time, get the
"The article body is not Unique. We do not allow content to be submitted that is copied from somewhere else on the web. Please revise your article and make it more unique"
I swear WTF!!!!, seriously, this is a joke. If it is "you have no title" and so on it is one thing and another with this site, "I DON'T SEE THE POINT"
Also, why can't this dam site spell
What is the point in creating a site that has so many issues, you know the saying,if you can't do it properly from the beginning, don't do it at all.
Lately it takes nearly a week for an article to be posted at Ezine, but once it is done there are no problems with ratings or traffic at all (depending on your niche that is) so why use a site that has so many issues, a very annoying and frustrating site that is making me want to pull my hair out , than use a site that I never have an issue with.
Duplicate content DEFINE please. It seems with Street articles if you repeat a line and it is found somewhere online, it is classed as duplicate content. ARE YOU HAVING A LAUGH, is this some sort of joke. How big is the Internet for crying out loud, if this is the case, and you really want UNIQUE LINE, well then, I can see no article been published on this site as my friend, how the hell would it be possible for a line NOT TO BE REPEATED when there are so many article, blogs, posts and so on on the NET.
Street Articles, get it together, stop with the nonsense. I get your concept, but it's a mess, a pain and pointless. Why would I spend my time creating Unique content for your site when you won't even accept it. Get it together, A frustrated man.