Happy Halloween From Awesomo

Last Update: October 31, 2011

Hi everyone at WA, just here to say Happy Halloween (though a day late) to everyone and especially to all newbies, I am in the Halloween niche and made great money this year and it is all thanks to WA so if you are new, stick with it, put the work in and you will be successful here at WA, good luck and enjoy!!

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magistudio Premium Plus
Nice work buddy!
That reminds me.. I need to post my Halloween outfit too!
sherbet penny Premium
Cheers Jay, and do post love to see it.
jatdebeaune Premium
Is that you in there Stephen? Good job! How do your Halloween sites do the rest of the year?
sherbet penny Premium
This is me Joan, took me 5 hours but a homage to my favorite show South Park and one of my favorite characters the Awesom-o 4000, very funny episode.

The sites do quite well (16 of them), last year they were making sales up until the end of November and then a sale here and there, but I have worked hard enough, knew what I was doing this year compared to last year and had a great few months. I plan to add some Christmas, Easter, Patrick's day etc post to keep traffic coming and also AdSense.

I enjoy this niche and as you can see the big kid in me loves to dress up ha! The commission is low of course since the costumes are not to expensive but the traffic is crazy. My biggest seller this year was anything to do with Tim Burton movie costumes and Yogi Bear came in 2nd. These are the type of sites I built, nothing fancy as I not very good at fancy but does the job, check it out http://yogibearcostumes.com

Have a great day Joan.
jatdebeaune Premium
You've been busy and it's all fun. I like the Tim Burton costumes too. Yeah, you can specialize in holidays and it'll keep the whole year rolling. Wonderful!