Thank you WA, but I'm off

Last Update: May 26, 2010

 Or am I?????

Today I have finished the Action Plan, after squeezing it in to my spare time, I’m delighted to have finished it, but in reality, I’m only just beginning.

Thank you WA, and all it’s great folk,

And Kyle and Carson thank you too.

In doing the action plan in the last couple of months, has been exciting, daunting and sometimes frustration at the same time.

And here’s the thing,

I’m off to do it again

WHAT? are you nuts or just stupid????????

I know, but let me explain!!

I’m a chef 17 years, have only learned to use a computer in 2 years, but, in the last 3 months, considering this is a trade, I have learned to or took action with-

Written many articles(though I’m a writer, never written an article blah!)

Built 3 web-sites and working on my main site at the moment

Learned about blogging(before it was what the hell is blogging!!!)

Learned how people are making money online(only thought you could do this with writing competitions lol)

Learned about email marketing(even have opt-ins in place wooo hooo)

Learned about PPC(I thought this was a class A drug, it’s actually more powerful)

And basically, in the last few months, have become a computer geek,yes geek haha!

The list of information that has soaked like a solid into this brain is to vast to repeat,

But, the question is, have you earned any money????

Well the answer is, no no noo nooooo

But do you care?

And again the answer is no no no nooo nooooooo!!!


Yes no, but thats no problem, because I know I will.

In doing this Action Plan, and I will say it to all newbies, it is easy enough to put it in to action as you go along and actually make 20 to maybe even a hundred quid, but that was not my aim.

I have taking a huge amount of action in my opinion, personally for a person who’s new to the Internet, and now, by again(which I recommend to all newbies) going through the action plan, instead of it reading like Latin, It will now be translated into plain English, and will be much better read, and I"m 100% sure it will help me again, improve my sites and goals.

How many people do the action plan and leave KNOWING EVERYTHING?

Should I leave???

No Fecking Way!!!

WA is the bomb, In the last few months, I would visit the forum, read posts by unhappy newbies, some screaming scam,why do we have to wait for the next task, moan moan moan blah blah blah, And sometimes, in reading these posts, I found myself asking the same questions, panicking, WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE!!! but nothing a good slap did not sort out.

Newbies, you will ask the same questions, there will always be complaints, WA will not make you rich, ever, only you will, but I tell you now, WA, and the good oul community here, will help you, and when you finish the action plan, go through it again, it takes a few recipes to get the soup right. 

Take it from a man who has just begun his journey, all thanks to WA,

and also Marcus, Pot-pie girl, wootton, slugger, welshy, The list is endless,

I ain’t going anywhere yet!

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sunjune5 Premium
I can feel you Sherbet, I am just begining the Action Plan. Have been here a month and already I am thinking of becoming a Lifetime member of WA. I have accomplished a few things in the month, but I know I need the community of relationships that WA provide and Oh yeah, I need the training. I am going back through the first 3 lessons now. My hats off to you and maybe one day I will call on you for some help.
sherbet penny Premium
Hey Joan, always a pleasure, I do believe as I start going back over the getting started plan again I'll make huge progress.
sherbet penny Premium
Good stuff mate, take your time, it's a new trade, like any trade you have to do the time, if I can help with anything feel free to contact me.
AdamAdam Premium
Hi, just wanted to tell you I've been here 15 days and I don't have as much experience as you but already I start to feel the same way, I learn a lot, and before I didn't even use my computer for much more then email.
jatdebeaune Premium
Bravo! Yes, I want to go through the action plan too in case I forgot something. Very smart of you.