I Hate My Job… It Keeps Getting In The Way Of Building My Business…..

Last Update: February 09, 2012

The following is the most recent post made to my personal blog lifeinthemind.wordpress.com. New followers are welcome. While I try my best to not use profanity, some topics may not be for the faint of heart as it is the uncensored musings of various subjects I deal with in life, Reader discretion is advised. 

"This thought has been bothering me quite a bit the past few days.  How in the heck am I supposed to work on building a reputation and a following for my business when all my waking hours are monopolized by the job? While the past few mornings have been spent doing the monotonous task of liking the FB fan pages of fellow Etsy shops, for some reason I find more enjoyment in even that than I do in completing any task that my FT job requires of me.

I am allotted only so many hours in the day, and when 8 of those hours are dedicated to the job, it leaves little time for anything else to be accomplished. Sure some may say, then why don’t you work on your business after hours? While that may be easy to say, it is much harder to do, especially when at the 5 PM hour you are left feeling utterly brain fried, with the want to do nothing more than crash on the couch and watch TV till its time to go to bed and start the process over again the next day.

To that, the peanut gallery would probably reply, then why don’t you just quit? Ah, now if life was only that easy. If I had no bills, no responsibilities to anyone except to satisfy my own desires than quitting would no doubt be the simplest choice, yet I do not seem to find myself living in that perfect world. I have bills to pay, pets to feed, more responsibilities than what can possibly be supported by just one salary and so I find myself stuck between the wants and the musts of life. I must work for someone else in order to pay the bills, but I would really love to be my own boss.

I have already realized that I am not cut out to be one who works for someone else, someone who lives to work, someone who makes someone else rich, but my wants keep getting pushed aside to satisfy the needs. I guess all I can hope is that I reach a point where I am able to start satisfying my wants before the rug that supplies my needs gets pulled out from underneath me."


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I have many posts here on this subject. I'm in a job right now that hits me physically and when my body energies there are drained, there goes my mental energy as well. As you might have known, I've changed my blog into a day planner (even though there is one here already.) You will readily see I've been stuck in a vortex. Two evenings this week I've come home so dog tired and physically beat that I fell asleep soon after getting home...and not waking until three hours later! Aargh! Nothing got done at all other than every ounce of my energies gone into someone else's stone floors...for which I will get paid peanuts because hard physical labor is very cheap! Okay...try if you can. I know this is also difficult...an hour to bed earlier and an hour earlier up. You will be at your best very early in the morning before going to work to work on your campaign. This is when I do get work done on mine. It's a small period of time I can do it without trying to do it drained. Jay probably thinks, at this point in time, that I've given up. I haven't. He has been helping me and for a week now, very little has been done. There's very little you can do having to work a job you hate, but to continue to try to work around it. I relate very well with how you are feeling! If I took everything I've written about what you've expressed above, I'd have a book! What am I talking about...I already HAVE a book! "Beyond Employment: The Implications of Being Employed and What You Need to Know About Wage Slavery" That's on top of every thing I've written on what you've expressed here! So...count TWO books here! Keep on going...Don't Stop. Don't let it bring you down...just keep going. Believe in yourself and your comrades here who are swimming in the same lake you are. Keep strong my friend...keep strong...I'm doing brainless work carrying marble and granite, keeping the the whole operation going smooth. It's not my thing. I've resolved long ago to keep my eyes on the goal ahead and not take them off it.
joeknight Premium
I know the feeling, I work 2 full time jobs, these jobs are customer service related and that by itself drains my energy, but then the higher ups keep adding more rules, more work and and have taken what little benifits the job had, and elimited all enjoyment you can have at the job.After 16-17 hour days of this I don't even want to get out of bed in morning any more, not just because I am tired, But because I don't want to face another day.I so wanted to be able to make enough money with I.M. that I could quit at least one of my 2 jobs, but alas its not going to happen. but good luck to you , hope you succeed where i have failed.
Isaac Lev Premium
Feel the same way man.. I work 6 day weeks 9 hour days, then get home and just want to relax.. But if i did, i wouldn't get any progress done on my IM project. I say stick in there, don't give up. The harder we work now, the easier life will be later.
Labman_1 Premium
Yes, balancing life with IM is tough. I'm hoping the 12 hour shifts stop soon. I can relate to feeling brain fried when you get home. I've found that some meditation tapes from The Monroe Institute can help. There's one called the cat napper that works pretty well. 30 minutes and you are back on your feet ready to face the next challenge. Unfortunately, they don't have an affiliate program. The product is worthwhile though.
TheMaleRN Premium
Hey there, I REAAAAAAALLLLLYYY CAN EMPATHIZE!!!! I think you still can work after hours knowing that your job ends at 5. Not like me though, I work as a customer service rep for a credit card company here in the Philippines, and my shift begins at 9pm to 6am. And our house is about 25 miles away! "Where there is a will there will always be a way."

Cheers to life my friend!
burton4550 Premium
Great Post! I fully understand where your coming from. I have the same problems, I wake up in the morning just dreading walking into that office and doing something I absolutely "HATE" with a passion!. But you know if you want something bad enough you'll force yourself to make time for what's important. One thing I really recommended for me that has helped is that site "Fivver". It's cheap and you can hire people to pretty much anything for you. Also some of the software like Social Adr and Synnd really help speed things up. Hope that helps you out a little unless you already knew about them. Just thought I'd throw out some suggestions to help.