Posts by Sourabh 8
May 11, 2012
Hello, I have developed a website with the domain itself a key phrase of 3 words 3months back. This key phrase is a medium competition keyword with 170 monthly global search and 70 local search. I was offering an simple make money online report just for local audience with no big ambition whatsoever. I did not do any promotional efforts whatsoever. But, I have noticed that the site is enjoying a first page ranking on Google when I type the key phrase. So, I think I should seriously promoting th
Hello, I have created a blog for one my clients just in order to promote his business. I have decided to keep this blog updated in a regular basis with new posts, updates, trends in the business etc.   As it is very time sensitive project, I have only 30 days in my hand to promote this blog, means in order to promote his business, I need to make it a full fledged blog with some active traffic too and good placement on search engines too.   What are the quick and fast effectiv
I have seen several requests for an elaborate guide on local marketing technique. I have been involved with project work since last 8 years. In this process, I have worked with several clients in around my place and helped other clients to get their clients from nearby place with effective marketing and promotional technology.   So, I have decided to pen down a step by step report on this local business topic to help interested people here on WA. I am going to post it tomorrow as writ
I am always a big FAN of the old, traditional "Article Marketing" concept. If you provide quality content, you have a strong chance to get higher ranking for your targeted keywords. Most important thing, it is FREE and authentic process. What ever it is called, DAM marketing, or BUM marketing, Article Marketing is a strong weapon to promote your site online and vastly used by search engine optimizer as well. But, since last couple of months, I have not seen lots of article pages in
I have just completed reading the 30 day success club  and want to start with it soon. There are lots of things to do, and using my past working experience, I hope to sail through. If  I face any doubt or working solution, WA would be there to help me, I know.   But, at the present moment, I am thinking about the niche. I am really not sure how i will pick up one. I have started brain storming about it....   I love so many things under the sun and passionate about l
Hello, I have just created a new blog post on the importance of keyword research and site analysis. I have been using several tools available online to analyse my websites as well as the websites of the competitor websites. At the same time, keyword research and analyzing their performance is also very crucial even form SEO perspective. If you want to have an idea of what I mean you should read this post on my blog It will be a beneficial read for the beginner
Being a self employed project worker and having worked with lots of web related project since last 8 years, I have been using several Internet Marketing related tools free and paid. All of them helped me to get my assignments completed in a hassle free and professional manner ensuring client satisfaction. Now, the tools I am talking about mainly related to SEO, link building, traffic generation, article submission, email marketing etc. Still, I use them for my clients as when required. So,
Everyone is searching to have a nice and stable way for starting their virtual income journey here. Some of them have already started to reap the benefit of their labor, and rest are still to experience that sweet smell of success in the virtual world. First of all, we need to remember that there is no magic secret behind online income. You have to toil hard and find your ideal way. So, try to use your logical sense first and learn new things here in WA. If you are new, just get to know the