Just Completed 30 day success club

Last Update: May 05, 2012

I have just completed reading the 30 day success club  and want to start with it soon. There are lots of things to do, and using my past working experience, I hope to sail through. If  I face any doubt or working solution, WA would be there to help me, I know.


But, at the present moment, I am thinking about the niche. I am really not sure how i will pick up one. I have started brain storming about it....


I love so many things under the sun and passionate about lots of stuffs. But, if I think it from real life perspective, I think Internet Marketing is my cup of tea as I have been researching, reading about it since last few years in a regular manner. So, do you think another IM related site in the web should do justice? Or do I start something new and fresh?


I am really puzzled and now roam around in the garden to get some ideas.  Dmoz is of no help here, so many categories... known and unknown, so do not like to cruise through it again.


Any help from senior pros here? I just like to keep the ball rolling...







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BIS Premium
Hi Sourabj - It's very difficult for other people to advise which niche you should go for. I think it can be quite difficult to write about IM until you have had some success in it, but that's a personal view. However, at the end of the day, the choice is yours. This is a learning curve and you won't necessarily achieve exactly what you want from your first site. You just need to start.
Best wishes

Thanks for your comment. I have made up my mind and working accordingly. it is a learning curve and there is no end to learning. Let me see how it goes first!