Virtual income journey

Last Update: May 02, 2012

Everyone is searching to have a nice and stable way for starting their virtual income journey here. Some of them have already started to reap the benefit of their labor, and rest are still to experience that sweet smell of success in the virtual world.

First of all, we need to remember that there is no magic secret behind online income. You have to toil hard and find your ideal way. So, try to use your logical sense first and learn new things here in WA. If you are new, just get to know the pulse first. There are lots of new terms, parameters to be known. So, try to explore them and know about their whereabouts.

I have been working online since 2004 as a self employed project consultant. I have my experience and expertise in areas like Web development, web design, web content,web marketing, Search Engine Optimization etc. I have been used my skill to render my service for my clients around the globe. So, my virtual income journey has been started long back in 2004.

But, being a member of this awesome open education project itself is a pleasant and rewarding experience. I wish to share and learn lots of web related stuffs here. It is really an abode of information here.

Just we have to follow the outlines given by Kyle and Carson in a professional and synchronized way. We need to build a community... a network.. of like minded web enthusiastic people.



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