Writing a resource guide on how to get local clients ?

Last Update: May 08, 2012

I have seen several requests for an elaborate guide on local marketing technique. I have been involved with project work since last 8 years. In this process, I have worked with several clients in around my place and helped other clients to get their clients from nearby place with effective marketing and promotional technology.


So, I have decided to pen down a step by step report on this local business topic to help interested people here on WA. I am going to post it tomorrow as writing is still going on.


I hope it to be a good read and people will be benefited. 







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Yes, I am working on this report, will be available soon for all of you. Thanks.
Alam Premium
bro I do also like this topic and I do website developing for local business people, waiting for your course...
morlandroger Premium
Will look forwards to seeing that.