Article Marketing: Questions and concerns?

Last Update: May 07, 2012

I am always a big FAN of the old, traditional "Article Marketing" concept. If you provide quality content, you have a strong chance to get higher ranking for your targeted keywords. Most important thing, it is FREE and authentic process. What ever it is called, DAM marketing, or BUM marketing, Article Marketing is a strong weapon to promote your site online and vastly used by search engine optimizer as well.

But, since last couple of months, I have not seen lots of article pages in the first page of Google against any random keywords like before. So, i am a bit doubtful about the true potential of Article Marketing at this moment.It is true that quality content will never lose its significance and it is evergreen in true aspect. With so many new updates and changes, should we promote our articles via  lenses, hubs etc? 

If i want to promote a niche site, I know still there is not better alternative to Article Marketing, but where should i post them? 

Again, does it make sense to submitting same articles to different directories? Just now, I have come across a tutorial with this advice. Is it still recommended? Comments are welcome form seasoned marketers.







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