"Brick walls in our Way are just there to show us how badly we want it", he said!

Last Update: August 04, 2010

This is the video of Dr. Randy Pauch's last lecture before he died of Pancreatic cancer.

I don't think I can say much as he said it all, but I would recommend all to watch this video. It is a little over 10 minutes, and I know how busy we all are, but it will put you hours ahead in life.

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Fanciadance Premium
Fantastic video. Very inspiring!
SP1976 Premium
Yes, he sure led a good life and the reason he left was because the lessons he had to learn in this life were learned, he lives on...in other forms, on other planes, planning what he needs to learn now and from where.
jatdebeaune Premium
He was such an inspiration. I was routing for him to defeat cancer, and with his attitude, I thought he would defy the odds. He has helped so many people with his spirit and courage. Thank you for posting this.