It is SIMPLE not EASY!

Last Update: July 15, 2010

For all those who are new here, Welcome. I would like it greatly to share my journey with you. I started here at WA in April 2010. However, I really started working on it come July. And although I have not had SUCCESS, I have made a lot of PROGRESS....and that is what will lead me to eventual Success! That is my theory.

I know a lot of you got lured into IM because you read so much about what affiliate marketing is and it sounded simple enough. Right? I mean, you pick a product, send people to it and you earn a commission. That is SIMPLE. I agree, that is exactly what brought me here. Here is the truth! It is all true. But here is the catch...I should copyright this one..."It is SIMPLE not EASY!" By that, I mean it is possible, but it is not going to be as easy as most stuff you read out there made it out to be. Believe me, I am still waiting for my first sale. So why should you listen to anything I have to say? Well, I know a little more than someone who just joined this week, at the same time, I am still new like you, so I know exactly how you are feeling right now, and can think on a newbie level.

So what is it that helped me when I was a new newbie? Case studies. I mean, I had questions like, " What exactly does this person do to make that sale?", "How long will it really take me?", "Is there anyone else out there who is doing what I am doing?", "Am I crazy?"...Ok, you get the idea. So I invite you to follow my case study. I have a blog where I write about my affiliate marketing trials, achievements, milestones, failures and other stuff. I try to post there at least a couple of times a week, so you should have a real time case study at your hands. Please visit my blog and make sure you follow it to share my journey with me and help with yours. Please click here to follow my blog.

Just one thing to conclude...You will make it, but ONLY if you hang in there. I know I will.

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cashflow+ Premium
You hit the nail on the head. It is simple not easy!
I love that. Thank you so much for the video's. I watched them and will do so again really good information. So much to know and learn. I know I will stay with it, I must get it right. No other option for me.