Mind-blowing News!!!

Last Update: October 06, 2010

I was not planning on another post today but this news is post worth. While going through www.news.google.com for researching a new topic to post about on my site, I came across this article and had to share it with you.

What is the highest gravity you have ever seen in Clickbank? The highest I had seen was 378 for Travis's product and was floored. But this one called the Auto Blog Samurai has broken the gravity scale at Clickbank with a mind-blowing gravity of 1077.66. Can you believe it? Amazing!

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ron7290 Premium
I see on your blog you posted about the Auto Blog Samurai is that a good to buy
SP1976 Premium
That is always the question. But I liked their sales page a lot, told me a lot about what kind of persuasion works on people. Nicely done sales page, about the product? We'll have to wait and see!
erussell Premium
It does have an incredibly high gravity, but I checked the refund rate and it was nearly 15%. When it's that high, you have to question the quality of the product, or if it made false claims that it didn't live up to. They don't care though; they're making mad money.
Louise M. Premium
prinker Premium
WOW! That's a huge gravity; I was going to say the largest I've seen was a little over 400 and that was yesterday.