The Secret

Last Update: October 06, 2010

I watched this movie called 'Secret' over the weekend and would urge you all to watch it. It will change your life. I found some videos on their website which have the power to put you in a whole new state of mind. I am attaching here one that is most relevant to our business but if you want to go into this on a deeper level, do check out the other videos on their site which is You may watch the movie on their site for $3.99. Enjoy this and may all the riches and happiness you desire come your way.

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SP1976 Premium
Hey Maggie, I am glad I made some difference in someone's life by sharing this. Please do watch the rest of the movie on their website.
cld11, thanks for the push, I am going to do exactly that this weekend.
MaggieJo1 Premium
Thanks for sharing this....I am heading out to Barnes & Nobel to pick up the hardback book along with her new book "The Power". Just watching the 20 minute clip of the movie was inspiring and made me stop and think about how many "negative" thoughts invade my thought process....Time for a drastic change in my life and thoughts....Thanks again...
cld111 Premium
I also love The Secret and agree with jatdebeaune that you should also check into The Teachings of Abraham. Abraham was in the original "The Secret", which is a MUCH better version, in my opinion. Good stuff with your $20! Love it!
SP1976 Premium
No I haven't. This is my first introduction to 'The Secret'. I am planning to read more about it sometime soon. Yesterday I got a pedicure and said 'This $20.00 is going to come to me', went home, checked my CB account and there was a $20.00 sale!
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, I have that video and book. It's very inspirational. Are you familiar with the teaching of Abraham? Even more about the law of attraction. Have you read Ask and It Is Given?